Aug262015Condor Nest Cam Frequently Asked QuestionsCalifornia Condor chick hatching. Photograph by USFWS. Eggs hatch in about 54-58 days. Category: Condor Nest Cam Frequently Asked QuestionsBy FrankAugust 26, 2015Leave a comment Author: Frank Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:When do they lay their egg?NextNext post:How big are their eggs?Related postsWhat can I do to help California condors?August 26, 2015Why are some tags on the right wing and others on the left?August 26, 2015What do the different numbers stand for on the wing tags?August 26, 2015What is a wing tag?August 26, 2015What is the California Condor Recovery Program?August 26, 2015When was the first California condor released into the wild?August 26, 2015